If you are looking for a small school that effectively blends the benefits of a research university with the approach of a liberal arts college, consider this Worcester, Massachusetts school. Clark places a primary emphasis on the undergraduate educational experience and is a terrific option for students who thrive in a hands-on learning environment.
Five Fun Facts about Clark University:
1) Clark began as the first all-graduate psychology school in the late 1800s. While the institution focuses now on undergrads, the psychology program is one of its strongest. You can even find a statue of Sigmund Freud in the center of campus.
2) First year students participate in the FYI, the First Year Intensives, small class of about 15 students that enable students to engage more intimately with their classmates and professors over topic-focused, research-oriented, or major introduction courses.
3) Students work with small groups of their peers to tackle various problems or find answers to questions through Problems of Practice Courses. These POPS offer experiential learning opportunities like learning how to be a professional translator for film scripts or interviewing families to reconstruct lost family histories.
4) Clark offers a 5th year accelerated master's program - tuition free! If students meet minimum GPA requirements, they can add on a master's degree in areas like biology, environmental science, public administration, teaching or management with a one-time program fee and no additional tuition. Additional programs are offered at 50% tuition. About 1 in 3 Clark students take advantage of this path.
5) Clark is considered one of the 40 schools designated as a College that Changes Lives. 84% of Clarkies complete at least one internship or similar experience before senior year, and 98% are employed or in graduate school within 6 months of graduation. They are an actively engaged student body, with the ability to choose over 180 student organizations, and a majority participate in community service.
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